Can I Still Call Myself an Evangelical?
The Life of Brian
Season 5, Episode 10
Tim, Stu and Joel are finally back in the Third Space Studio, from the Moral Majority, to Monty Python, from John Chapman to John Wimber, they continue to discuss history, culture and it's influence on how we evangelise today.
They further delve into the difference between an evangelical and fundamentalist and why it may be unhelpful to hold so strongly to such labels. We also answer a thought provoking question from Andrew around such labels.
Discussed on this episode
Francis Schaeffer
The Great Evangelical Disaster, by Francis Schaeffer
Jerry Falwell
Life of Brian
Fred Nile
The Book of Mormon (musical)
Monty Python
John Chapman
Phillip Jensen
Two Ways to Live
Ministry Training Strategy
Peter Jensen
John Wimber
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