Are We Only Pleasant Strangers at Church?

Jonathan Haidt

Resiliency in discipleship is the name of the game as Stu, Tim and Joel chat about how intergenerational relationships can improve it, based on the research in Faith for Exiles.

Are rosters and a highly specialised church environment lead us to only be pleasant strangers? The Bible calls us to be more than that where the church community can be transformed by the Spirit's sanctification. The problem is, we get lonelier and lonelier as a society. Intentional, meaningful relationships can be the antidote.

Discussed on this episode

Coddling of the American Mind, by Jonathan Haidt
The Anxious Generation, by Jonathan Haidt
Faith for Exiles, by Dave Kinnaman and Mark Matlock
Young Catholics defy Pope, choose Latin as rift grows in Australia's biggest church
Pan AM Clipper Magic with Boeing 707 1958

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