Does Religion Cause All Wars?
30 Years War
Season 5, Episode 17
A trope that's often thrown at Christians since 9/11 is that religion causes all wars. Stu, Tim and Joel are in the Third Space Studio to examine the oft-raised comment and contend that a deeper dive into statistics and world history paints a different picture.
They delve into where such arguments come from, how Christians can approach it and how to hold onto the evangelical line when doing so.
Discussed on this episode
Henry V speech Stu was showing before the episode
Hacksaw Ridge
World War Two channel
The End of History and the Last Man, by Francis Fukayama
Is Religion the Cause of Most Wars?, by Rabbi Alan Lurie
Encyclopedia of Wars, by Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod
God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, by Christopher Hitchens
Richard Dawkins loses ‘humanist of the year’ title over trans comments
Thirty Years War
Rene Descartes
Did Descartes Sleep in an Oven?
The French Revolution
Does Religion Cause Violence?, by John Dickson
The Myth of Religious Violence, by Karen Armstrong
US switching from biblical American Revolution values to secular French Revolution ones, by Os Guinness
The Magna Carta of Humanity: Sinai's Revolutionary Faith and the Future of Freedom, by Os Guinness
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