Just a Christian Version of Everybody Else

The Last Supper at Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony

In Part 5 of our Resilient Disciples series, Stu, Tim and Joel dive into the Last Supper death work showcased at the Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony and explore how Christians can respond with both sorrow and love in the face of God being mocked.

They also unpack how being a resilient disciple involves living counter-culturally and partnering with God in His mission to make more disciples. As the world grows increasingly secular and Christians become a minority, it's crucial to resist the temptation to conform church practices and ourselves to societal norms.

Instead, we’re called to return to the example of the early Christians, embracing the counter-cultural nature of our faith and supporting one another in our shared mission with God.


Building a Church from a Youth Ministry


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